Scenery Reviews
AlbySim Bari Palese 2011
Freeware Scenery by Alby Sim Scenery Design
Version: 1.0
Flight Simulator: FS2004
About the Airport
The airport of Bari, located in the south-east region of Italy named "Puglia", 10 km north of the city Bari, was originally a military airfield, built in the 1930s by the Regia Aeronautica. During the World War II it was seized by the British Eighth Army in late September 1943 and turned into an Allied military airfield. In the 1960s it was opened to civil flights and Alitalia schedules regular flights to Rome ,Catania, Ancona, Venice. The routes were later taken over by ATI, using a Fokker F27 airplane. When ATI put into operation the new DC-9-30 it became necessary to create a new runway, while the military complex was still used as passenger terminal.
In 1981 a new building was completed, originally intended to be used as cargo terminal, but it became in fact the airport's new passengers terminal. In 1990, with the Football World Cup, the runway was extended and the terminal was upgraded, going through a further renovation in 2000.
However, the traffic increase showed the infrastructural limitations of the airport and in 2002 the founding stone of the new passenger terminal was laid out. At the same time, flight infrastructures (aircraft parking areas, runway etc.) were upgraded. In 2005, the new terminal was completed and opened to passengers.
In 2005, construction works for a new control tower began and they were completed the following year. In 2006 a further extension of the runway was begun, and in 2007 the planning of an extension of the passenger terminals was commissioned.
Soure: Wikipedia
The BARI Scenery
This FS2004 scenery reproduce the international airport "Bari Palese Macchie", as it was in spring 2011. The greatest part of the airport buildings and the ground fleet vehicle are designed with photoreal textures.
Nice shot of the BARI scenery during sunset
The scenery is provided without installer. After decompressing the zip file the scenery folders have to be installed and added to the FS2004 scenery library manually. The handbook explains the necessary steps very detailed, in English and Italian language.
In general the scenery is frame rate friendly. However, if you get into frame rate problems the handbook explains very detailed how to match the scenery to the performance of your FS computer.
Before your first flight you must remove the “welcome message” from the scenery. For this delete the file “adv.bgl” located in “…/addon scenery/Bari Alby SC/scenery”.
The Alby Sim Bari scenery is one of the best freeware sceneries I ever have seen. Hundred of objects, trees, static and dynamic vehicle are placed on the scenery. A very nice night lighting of the scenery and night texture for every building and the apron vehicles are making the scenery to a highlight during night operations. The scenery offers and visual docking system on the gates. All together makes up a very nice and dynamic airport atmosphere.
Runway Layout and Approach Procedures
The airport has one runway (07/25) with a landing distance of 2.440m (8.005 ft) and a take-off distance of 2.496m (8.190 ft). The runway 07 is equipped with ILS, for the runway 25 VOR and localizer approaches are possible. The entry procedures are described in the Standard Instrument Arrival Chart (STAR) of the airport. Most of them are leading you to the VOR BAR as IAF (initial approach fix), or the localizer BPL respectively. For those of you who like the challenge you can also fly the published ARC approaches.
The scenery surprises with details and perfect night textures
The scenery beats my expectation I have on a freeware scenery by far. The scenery is designed with much attention to detail and performance. Therefore the scenery gets 4 stars, an exceptionally good result for a freeware scenery.
A nice video of the scenery is available on YouTube:
The scenery is available for download at avsim and
Fixes for ILS and autogen failures are available: