Instructor Station
I use the Instructor station by Luis Gordo. The instructor station gives me almost boundless possibilities to set-up specific scenarios for training purposes and offers a multitude of usefull program functions. You can place the aircraft on a approach to a runway, either by setting the coordinates or placing the aircraft over a certain navaid. During a trainings scenario the instructor station records all relevant flight parameter for a later review and evaluation of your flight performance. The instructor station also enables to you to set-up aircraft system failure and weather situations. I personally do not use the weather feature because my central weather source is Active Sky EVOLUTION, which also allows me to set up any weather situation, incl. the selection of historical weather.
Function Exampels
Aircraft positioned over NDB Rattenberg, heading 210, ready to intercept the LOC DME East Approach, Innsbruck
New in version 1.6, the NAVCOM Page. This page allows to select a Navaid for the aircraft positioning and the selection of the appropriate COM / NAV frequencies. T
In my opinion, the user interface is to much coloured and the font color is not always advantageous.
Currently I have some trouble with the PDF report function of the instructor station. The report generation is always terminated with an error message. Also the Google earth feature does not work as it as it should,