Visual System
For the first 2.5 years of operation I was using a single projector setup with an OPTOMA 16:9 projector. After visiting a flight simulator installation with a 3 projector set-up I decided to migrate the visual system of my flight simulator to such a solution. From the economical point of view and considering the additional operation costs, e.g. for power, it was a questionable idea. But the improvement of the visual illusion is significant and compensates the effort in investment, labor, and operating costs.
Project Planning
Precise planning and attention to detail are absolutely crucial to the success of a multi projector project, especially if you have to deal with room limitations, like room height or room width. In my case the flight simulator room has a height of 2,25m (9,35ft), and a width of 3.90m (12.8ft).
Projector and projection screen layout with 135 degrees FOV
After some research I decided on the BQ MX613ST, belonging to the BenQ business / education product line. This projector has a very good cost/performance ratio. The image ratio is 4:3 and the native resolution is 1024x768 pixels. With a throw distance of 1,50m (4.9ft) an image width of 1.63m (5.34ft) is achievable. Perfect fit for my limited room environment. The variable throw Ratio of 0.9 - 1.08 allows a very precise adjustment of the image size. Perfect fit for my limited room environment.
Projector setup and overhead installation with standard ceiling mounts.
Desktop Expansion
For the desktop expansion and the splitting of the video signal a Matrox TripleHead2Go Digital is used, mounted directly on the wall behind the FS computer. Actually the idea was to place the TH2Go on some free space in the computer rack, but the DVI cable which came together with the TH2Go was too short for this solution. I tried to overcome ´the situation with a slightly longer cable (1m). But this did not work, neither with this cable nor with another 1m DVI cable. I got very strange synchronization errors on the displayed images. So at the end I had to use the original Matrox DVI cable and build a wall support for the TH2Go. This enabled me to place the TH2G close enough to the FS computer.
Video and power cabeling. The HDMI cables are of high quality (HD capable) and 6.5m (21.3ft) long each