Welcome to Flying the Winglets
About Me and the Project
I got started with flight simulation at the end of 2003. More or less unplanned, it happened accidentally while visiting an electronics shop. I had too much money in my pocket and was eager to spend some of it. In the end, I bought the MS Flight Simulator 2004. From the first minute of using the flight simulator I was fascinated with it and it quickly became my favorite hobby. For the first year, the Cessna 172 was my preferred airplane, but then I started focusing on the airliners. I bought the PMDG 737 as an aircraft add-on and started learning to understand and operate this aircraft. At this time, the dream was born to build a fully functional fixed-base B737 simulator. After a period of planning, the realization phase began in 2006. After 2.5 years of building, the simulator was ready for operation in December 2008. Since this I spent many hours flying on-line at IVAO and enjoying my hobby. Of course, the project will continue, new ideas for further improvements are always present and will get realized over the time.
In late 2005, I became a member of the International Virtual Aviation Organization IVAO Germany. On-line flying to me is the 'salt in the soup,' it is challenging, but fascinating at the same time. Typically I fly within the European borders and northern African countries. Most flights have a block time between 2 and 2.5 hours. I do not like long-hauls because they can become quite boring and the next controlled virtual airspace might be far away. However, at one point in my life I will participate in the IVAO IFR World Tour, which seems to be very demanding.
My special interests are IFR approach procedures and extraordinary events. I remember the Samos event in 2009 and the Madeira (LPMA) Pilot Approach Qualification, which I unfortunately did not pass, due to a mistake during the go-around procedure.
The purpose of the following pages is to provide both flight simulator enthusiasts and other interested people a deep insight into the world of flight simulation. Besides the technology, operational aspects of on-line flying are also extensively considered. All explanations are based on experiences gained from building my own B737-800W flight training device and many hours of on-line flying. Furthermore, valuable practical reviews of new hardware, add-ons, and sceneries will be provided as available.
Project Overview
The flying-the-winglets.de B737-800W FTD is a privatly owned fixed-base flight training device, located in the Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg, Germany.
B737-800W flight training device with 135 degree FOV visual system
The simulator is based on the Microsoft Flight Simulator FS2004 and Project Magenta (PM) as B737 suite. Some additional add-on software is used to close gaps of functionality which are not provided by the standard software. As interfaces to controls and annunciators, the Opencockpits product portfolio of IO boards is widely used. MCP and EFIS are products of CPflight. Both yokes and rudder pedals are from CH Products. The throttle quadrant was upgraded in 2010 from a Cockpitsonic TQ to the motorized TQ from Revolution Simproducts.
The pedestal with the AFT electronic panel, the FWD overhead, and the MIP were all wired by myself. The front panels, the OH panels, and the OH mounting frame were bought from Cockpitsonic.
Pilot seats were built by myself, based on drawings shared by other cockpit builders on the Internet.
The visual system consists of 3 projectors with a 135 degree field of view, upgraded in January 2011. A multi-channel audio system and the tactile sound system both increase the real life flying experience.
However, a lot of things could still be improved and I'm working on it. One of the next investments will be a better rudder pedal system and probably a motorized yoke.
Links to suppliers have been added for your convenience. Such links do not constitute affiliation with these companies or a recommendation of their products.